Monday 22 November 2010

The woman in blue had clear dominance in group, wearing odd colour & looks likes she is living in the past, her hair style and outfit show this. Dressed badly for her age (old!). Can tell she is old by her many wrinkles on her face. Her facial expressions shows us that she is trying to be cool and thinks that she is good looking and young and “hip” but she just looks like a middle aged woman trying to re-gain her youth. This is obviously not working as this probably makes her look older than she actually is as she is trying too hard. She is also trying to flaunt it. This photo was most likely her idea and as she is the dominant one the other two naturally agreed. The other two women are although trying to be young again they are obviously less into the picture especially the lady at the bottom. She is getting into it slightly for the others benefit but she looks slightly tense and uncomfortable to be doing it. Both she and the other woman standing (not the dominant one) are wearing black this symbolises that they are at the lower status in the group. Although the woman at the bottom is wearing gold on the black which allows us to notice her as opposed to the other lady sticking her tongue out who almost blends into the background. They also make a very odd noise once again showing they want to be cool. Once the picture is taken they all laugh, woman at bottom forcing a laugh/ smile, the blue lady jumping about aimlessly and the other woman laughs hysterically, crying out for attention.

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