Monday 22 November 2010

All the children are dressed up, none want to be there, the girl in the middle looks scared and unsure of what is going to happen and the other two seem as though they are comforting her, their facial expressions and that they are holding hand show this. The mother looks as though she is a middle class, pushy, church goer who perhaps has strong family values and believes in putting on a show (playing happy families). She also looks like she is trying too hard to show her being well off. Both her appearance and the children’s show us that they are a well kept family. Whilst they are sorting out the children’s appearance the mum goes on about her life story. From this we can tell that she is of an older generation (like oap’s “back in my day...”). The girls wearing blue can represent their innocence and purity. She starts to talk about how having the 3 girls are “a miracle” The backing lights help emphasis the fact that it was a miracle from the heavens. The frame is centred around the children, they are all dressed the same which could show that they are loved and cared for equally by their mother. The mothers dress is slightly dull but still has the blue color to show she’s associated with the girls in the Centre. Work lady’s hair is scruffy and tied back to show she’s busy and at work compared to the mothers hair which has had more time and care put into it  the girls hair is all identical and neat and tidy, and is being cared for throughout the extract. The triplets hands are all linked showing their bond and they all link towards the girl in the Centre suggesting she’s the oldest of the three.

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