Monday 22 November 2010

She is obviously a nurse. You can see this from her costume. Her posture suggests shy, but serious; tense, but calm; and hesitant, but forward. Facial expression give an intimidating view, as she is staring in an evil way. Looks harsh and unfriendly. Not the type of person to strike up a conversation and engage in friendly banter. Looks emotionless, dead even, her skin colour is very pale which emphasis the dead effect. Blank expressions, more career orientated as she is in her uniform for the picture. Her uniform could also hint towards the fact that she is a good person as she is a nurse and they help people. Her hands suggest slight tension and nerves mainly toward the camera, and camera man. Her posture is very stiff and lifeless. Her smile is forced and her expression changes suddenly after flash of camera. Her only movement is that of her fingers twitching. Her voice is very deep and slow. No effort when talking. She’s probably thinking – hurry up and get this over with! She is generally dull and depressing, personally I would never want to meet her! She has one of those faces that just make you laugh for no apparent reason. There is natural lighting coming in from the top right corners of the frame. This draws us more to her facial expressions and enhances the fact she is bored. Also as she is still, could suggest that she is too scared to move – fear.

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