Monday 22 November 2010

Baby is the main focus. The baby is very young and cute, however it has a lot of hair and a mischievous charm, as it is constantly moving and pulling its mother’s hair.  The woman slightly in the frame is very interesting, as she catches the audiences attention more that the lady holding the baby – most likely the babies mother. The audience would want to know who she is and why she is touching the baby. Woman is dressed very casually whereas the lady holding the baby is in light flowing clothes, which enhance the purity of the scene. The frame could suggest that they are in heaven. The whiteness of everything symbolizes things like: heaven, angels, purity, innocence. The lady could also represent the virgin Mary. The key lighting coming from behind the lady and baby creating love and passion in the frame. She is constantly looking down at the baby showing her love and admiration for the child.

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