Monday 22 November 2010

The man is in a suit but uses words like “init” to make he seem common and like a true Londoner. He is trying to be someone that he is not. As he says “its for my auntie” shows that he is trying to impress her by dressing up nicely and posing. He’s trying to hard to be this perfect person. He touches his hair, plays with his suit and doesn’t look at the camera person when he is talking. He sounds very nervous when he is talking about getting married and tries to make it seem natural by adding in the word “init” His facial expression suggest agitation as he stares blankly towards the camera. His eye brows are frowning which show he is either thinking to much about the photo or something to do with his personal life – i.e. marriage – His body language suggests tension, as he is sitting in an upright ridged position. His outfit could suggest that he is trying to bring culture and art into the photo. Props are plain and boring, reflecting his personality. His hands start to shake near the end. And his position starts to become more relaxed.      

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