Wednesday 20 October 2010

Sherlock Holmes Review

Sherlock Holmes was directed by non other than Guy Ritche.

As i stated in my previous blog the outline of the film: After finally catching serial killer and occult "sorcerer" Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner's new fiancée and the dim-witted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic - and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler.
I thoughrouly did enjoy Sherlock Holmes, a lot more than i expected. When some of my friends had seen it they told me it wasnt very good. However, in my personal opinion i thought it was an excellent film that had a lot of good shots and scenes that made me really admire Guy Ritche. My favourite thing about the film was the special effects within many of the fighting scenes, one of the best scenes in which used special effects was the scene when a bomb goes off within a building in London. Also they way that the directer creates suspence within the film. For example when the bomb goes of, it is played in slow motion with Dr Watson flying through the air. That really got my adreniline rushing, as all i wanted to know was whether he had survived or not.
I also thought the costumes within the film were very suitable for the era in which the film is set, aswell as this the setting of the film in London is also very appropriate for the plot, and places such as London Bridge are set perfectly for the period in which the film is based. Also the use of colours and lighting within the film were very good as it really framed the shot perfrectly.
At the end of the film Holmes, and Dr Watson had agreed to take on another mystery case and the directer choses to leave it there. This would suggest to the audience that there is going to be a sequal to the film. I would defininately recommened watching Sherlock Holmes to everyone that hasnt seen it and cant wait to see the next one if they decide to do it, which hopefully they will.

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